Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dominate Design

A dominate design is a product that is greatly better than previous designs. By better I mean it is more convenient, practical, scalable, and fits into society. Here are some examples of dominate designs and things that came before them

Lightbulb: gas lamp, candle, torch
iPod: cd players, record players, phonograph
Photo editing software: hand cut photo's, dark room
doors: drape, giant stone, open doorway
Zipper: buttons, buckles, string, velcro

In education there are also dominate designs

Smart board: whiteboard, chalkboard
Google Scholar: library, books, ask your parents
Microsoft Word: paper and pen, type writer

I think in the future virtual reality will become a big thing. It removes the need for buildings while still having the ability to give interaction. I could see it replacing physical schools in the future.

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